Sunday, April 27, 2008

Anzac Day - Dawn Service Canberra

The photo was taken just as the dawn service begun. I happened to turn around and saw Old Parliament House glowing with thick heavy fog around it. Click on image for a closer view.

This photo was taken about 20 mins after the service, most of the 30,000 who attended had disappeared except a few lingering about having a free coffee. I like this photo as the Officer is still in deep thought while the others are in motion.

This photo was taken moments after the service had finished. Dawn was still breaking and cockatoo's were screeching above in the eucalyptus trees. A moving experience all round.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Brindabella Airlines - FBA breakfast

Family Buisness Australia, ACT Chapter
had a very successful and inspiring breakfast
at Brindabella Airlines
on the 8 April 2008.
I have included a few photos
that captured the mornings highlights.
